To enrol at Gympie East State School you will need an enrolment pack from our office; contact the office to arrange a meeting and discuss what documentation is required. Gympie East State School has an Enrolment Management Plan which may affect your ability to enrol, please click on the hyperlink to find out more. You can get a head start by bringing a completed enrolment form (PDF, 5.5MB) for each enrolling student. Note that failure to complete the mandatory sections of the form marked with an (*) or to provide required documentation may result in a delay processing the enrolment.
Prep Enrolments
Enrolment procedures begin in the year prior to your child’s commencement in Prep. Children must turn five by the 30th of June in the year they commence Prep. Check what year your child should begin Prep or Year 1 by using the online ready reckoner tool. Contact us if you are interested in enrolling at Gympie East State School.
For more information about Prep read The Department of Education - Early Childhood Information for Families.